Social Security: “Raided?” Not Really. Technically “Reallocated.” The Bigger Picture…

By Emily Eisenlohr | July 11, 2024

You may have read articles that claim that Congress had “raided” the Social Security Trust Fund. “Raid” is an emotional word that may have been intended as rage bait — to make the reader think Congress had taken Social Security resources for non-OASDI uses. Congress did take action that affected Social Security twice. Congress reallocated…

Personalizing the U.S. Debt: What’s Your Share, Youngster?

By Emily Eisenlohr | July 8, 2024

The U.S. Debt Per Person — Man, Woman, and Child How does a voter get his or her mind around our national debt? Did its size truly register when it was $20 trillion during the 2016 election or $27 trillion during the 2020 election? Or nearly $35 trillion now? It’s in trillions. That term seems…

Roe v Wade: A Letter to Chief Justice Roberts on Legal Issues

By Emily Eisenlohr | June 3, 2022

There are aspects regarding Roe v Wade that are legal and not included in Justice Alito’s draft. I wrote to Chief Justice Roberts and the other Justices in a lengthy letter. Justice Alito’s draft had 66 pages of argument, so actually mine is short. The link below is the full letter. Share it as you…

BREAK ‘EM UP: Ten Reasons to Isolate Taxpayers from TBTF Systemic Banks

By Emily Eisenlohr | June 12, 2017

Commercial banking and investment banking are fundamentally different businesses. Each may stand between those who have money to spare and those who need to borrow it, but their risks, time horizons, and compensation practices differ widely. As Glass-Steagall barriers between the two were dissolved beginning in 1987, the largest banks took higher risks, backed by…

BREAK ‘EM UP!: Money in Politics Challenges the Real Solution to Systemic Risk

By Emily Eisenlohr | June 12, 2017

Getting Congress to force separation once again between commercial and investment banking may be politically challenging, even in an era of supposedly courting the middle class. But it is the only way to substantially minimize the need for future taxpayer bailouts of large banks. Employees and PACs of the largest banking, hedge fund, and private…


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