This Blog: Purpose, Structure, Bio Bits

THE BLOG The Blog Construction Click on the CATEGORIES section on the righthand side. Find the topic of interest to you. Sorry. No comments section or way to email me. It’s not that I don’t care or am arrogant. They would present too many technical demands for this blog, given my limitations. Purpose 1. To…

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Social Security: Restructure, Not Eliminate

Do you assume that Social Security will “be there for you” because you paid into it over your working life?  Would you rather be somewhat prepared or totally surprised if that didn’t come to pass once you retire? Here are key observations about Social Security that will help you better understand the program and prepare…

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Civil Rights and Civic Responsibility

Finding balance between competing political and economic forces and ideas is the biggest challenged facing our democracy and is the theme of this blog. The balance between civil rights and responsibilities wasn’t as big an issue at our nation’s founding as it is now. There was less need for a Bill of Responsibilities back in…

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Presidencies and Social Security’s Future

Social Security sure delivered mixed punches to our recent Presidents. For those who want to be better informed on this essential government program, here’s a brief squint at the evolution of the program through recent administrations. I’d suggest pursuing your own research into the ground rules, recommendations/reports, and pushback against proposals due to the complexity.…

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